Friday, 27 April 2012

Exploration and Discovery

Here are some websites to help you get started in your research about explorers.

Information on explorers with activities and quizzes. Provided by Mountain City Elementary School, Tennessee. 

Discoverers Web 
In this project Andre Engels has gathered all kinds of information found on the web about voyages of discovery and exploration. 

Explorer Adventure Games

CyberSleuthkids: World Explorers and Exploration
A collection of links to information about individual explorers 
Kid Info - Explorers
A "mega-site" of links to information about explorers developed for kids. Be sure to read the "Did you know?" section at the end of the page.
Zoom Explorers
Includes short articles about explorers of land, sea and space. Access by name of explorer, country of exploration, or time of exploration.
Antarctic Exploration
Antarctic Explorers

The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic

NOVA Online : Shackleton's Antarctic Odyssey

 Underwater Exploration
Sea and Sky: Underwater Exploration
Ships of Discovery
Investigate underwater archaeology and shipwrecks at this site.

Space Exploration
Sea and Sky: Space Exploration
Solar System Exploration Home Page
Find out about the history of space exploration, why we explore our solar system and the people who explore at this NASA web site.